Custom Features
Custom Features
Existing custom features
Octane Slider
Eurodyne software includes custom features for an adjustable Octane slider. The way the adjustable octane slider works is this:
- There's a function call within the existing ignition angle calculation.
- There's custom code that checks to see if the slider is enabled
- No:
- use the "low octane" timing map (which has been repurposed from one of the existing timing maps)
- Yes:
- get the value from the slider (memory), and the minimum and maximum adjustable octane settings (cal)
- calculate an interpolation factor
- perform a map lookup against the low timing map
- perform a map lookup against the high timing map
- apply the interpolation factor to the basic timing outputs from the two timing maps
- Store the output as the basic ignition angle setting
Proposed custom features
Performance flex fuel
The factory FlexFuel in the Simos18 has the capability of adjusting mass fuel flow (mff) for varying levels of alternative fuel both via a sensor and sensorless (using trims, etc). However, it doesn't have the ability to adjust timing.
Performance FlexFuel (@ZuMble) is the idea that in addition to handling the additional fuel required to reach stoich, the ECU can adjust timing to a point, as well. Ethanol increases knock resistance.
A proposal:
Repurpose the Eurodyne #Octane_Slider so that instead of looking up the adjustable slider value and the min and max octane values - it looks up the %alternative fuel value (measured), and calculates an interpolation value against that.
Existing settings for min and max octane for adjustable features can stay the same. The calibration can be adjusted for 0 - 50, for example.
Existing octane slider functionality would be overridden/removed.