HP Tuners
HP Tuners allows the end user to edit the calibration tables in their ECU. You are provided a stock file when you first connect to a controller.
HP Tuners launched support for the Simos 18 in September of 2020. As of writing HP Tuners officially supports:
- 2013-2019 Golf GTI and Golf R 2.0 TFSI
- 2013-2019 Audi A3 and Audi S3 2.0 TFSI
- DQ250_0D9 6 Speed Dual Clutch Transmission
- DQ250_02E 6 Speed Dual Clutch Transmission
A 2017 Golf Sportwagen 1.8 TFSI has been successfully licensed and flashed, but is not listed on the HP Tuners support vehicles page.
HP Tuners Website: hptuners.com
HP Tuners users purchase an MPVI2 cable starting at $299.99 and load the device with credits costing $50 each. Credits are spent the first time the user attempts to write a new controller and are locked to one specific controller by serial number. The controllers listed above cost 4 credits each.
HP Tuners supports Mode $22 PID datalogging only at this moment. This is a SIMOS18 ECU limitation and would require an ASW modification to allow direct memory access logging.
As of 2/21/2021, they recently added many parameters to increase the functionality of VCM Scanner. The scanner is perfectly capable of tuning a stock-turbo setup, or possibly a mild hybrid turbo upgrade setup.
User Defined Parameters
HP Tuners allows loading of a TunerPro .xdf file in order to edit tables and parameters that are not in the definition provided by HP Tuners. Definitions are specific to a controller’s software version so a definition file for the specific vehicle being worked on are extremely helpful. Enabling user defined parameters is an additional feature that costs $179.99. This is licensed to an MPVI2 cable and can be used on multiple controllers.
TunerPro Website: tunerpro.net
Pro Feature Set
Standalone (no laptop) datalogging - Testing in progress.